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Write the Best Post Ever

A Guide to Growing Your Audience

Mariah Osborn avatar
Written by Mariah Osborn
Updated over a week ago

BoardingArea offers a space for bloggers to connect with a large audience of travel enthusiasts and earn money through advertising and monetization. Often bloggers come to us with the question, how do I grow my audience?

In this guide, we’ll go over the basics of what you need to know to succeed in growing your blog's audience. We’ll cover the key elements of creating great content, promoting your blog, and engaging with your audience.

Platform and Niche

BoardingArea runs advertising using BoardingPack and uses WordPress as the platform. WordPress is a popular and user-friendly platform for bloggers, and with BoardingPack, you have access to a large network of advertisers and sponsors who can help monetize your blog. If you are just starting your blog, you’ll need to write 10-25 posts to begin with to prevent being penalized by Google AdSense as low-content pages. This is to ensure that your blog has enough content for Google to consider it credible and valuable.

As a BoardingArea blogger, your niche is centered around travel, specifically points and miles. This means you will share your experiences and tips on maximizing travel rewards and earning miles through flights, hotels, and credit card sign-ups. Some popular topics within the travel points and miles niche include:

  • Best credit card sign-up bonuses

  • Maximizing travel rewards through loyalty programs

  • Budget travel hacks using points and miles

  • Best use of flexible points and miles

  • Strategies for earning and redeeming travel rewards

Create Great Content

The key to a successful blog is to create great content that your audience will enjoy and find valuable. Here are some tips to help you create engaging and informative writing within the travel points and miles niche:

  • Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing your blog posts for search engines can help you reach a larger audience and attract more visitors to your blog. This includes using keywords related to your niche in your writing, optimizing your headlines and meta descriptions, and including internal links to other relevant blog posts.

  • Make sure your writing is engaging, informative, and entertaining: Share your knowledge and experiences within the travel points and miles niche and provide valuable insights and tips that your audience will find helpful. Make your blog posts entertaining by incorporating humor, personal anecdotes, and engaging visuals. Your audience wants to be entertained, informed, and inspired by your blog. Make sure to use clear, concise language and avoid technical jargon. This could mean sharing your personal travel stories, providing insider tips and tricks, or reviewing the latest travel products and services.

Promote Your Blog

Promoting your blog is just as important as creating great content. Here are some tips on how to get more visitors to your blog:

  • Use social media: Share your blog posts on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Make sure to schedule your social media posts to align with your blog posts to maximize their reach. It is important to post a link to the blog post you are referencing in the caption of social media posts to bring your audience from your social media to your blog. Creating personable social media posts instead of having your blog's feed auto-post to social media will create higher engagement with your audience.

  • Provide value: Make sure that your blog provides value to your audience and solves a problem they may have. This will help you attract more visitors and increase your monetization potential.

Engage With Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is a key factor in building a successful blog. Here are some tips on how to interact with your audience and provide value:

  • Respond to comments: Respond to comments on your blog posts and engage in conversation with your readers. This helps build a community and shows that you value your audience.

  • Ask for feedback: Ask your audience for feedback on your blog posts and what they would like to see more of. This can help you create better content and improve your blog.

  • Offer incentives: Consider offering incentives to your audience, such as giveaways or exclusive content, to encourage engagement and build loyalty.

Providing Value to Readers

Providing value to your readers is key to increasing monetization. Here are a few tips to help you provide value to your readers:

  • Offer exclusive content, such as insider tips, exclusive deals, and behind-the-scenes stories.

  • Offer valuable resources, such as ebooks, checklists, and tutorials.

  • Answer reader questions and provide personalized advice.

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