Page Structure

Right headings, URL structure, and Internal Linking

Randy Petersen avatar
Written by Randy Petersen
Updated over a week ago

The idea for this LEARN came from a recent question from a blogger:
"I have a couple of questions. The first one has to do with my headings. I started using H3 instead of H1 for titles a while ago because I preferred the font size (instead of just changing the H1 size). Is it an easy fix to have all H3 change to H1, something in the styles.css? If it is too difficult, I can go back and change the ones I think I need to."

Yikes. Changing to an H3 because you prefer the font size? H1 is the most important heading tag for SEO. Repeat after me ... M-O-S-T I-M-P-O-R-T-A-N-T. Without the proper use of H1 tags, you might as well have—let's not go there.

So let's look at Page Structure and the role that the right headings, URL structure and internal linking play in getting your blog post both ranked and read. Page structure and headings are a very simple but very vital part of any blog requiring that every page be made up of a number of components that should be optimized for SEO impact with body text, title tags, URL structure, and keywords among these elements. Done correctly, they direct how your blog post appears to both the reader and search engines.

Headings are extremely important since they impact how Google and the other search engines assign importance to your blog post. So let's get started. First of all,

What is Page Structure?

Page structure refers to the structure of a particular web page. Collectively these pages need to be organized in a coherent way to enhance the functionality and usability of your website.

The structure of a website is not the same thing as the design of your website. A strong page structure naturally enhances multiple SEO features, for greater website performance overall.

Individual pages need to be considered on their own merit, specifically – how you’re going to optimize the on-page content there, and how you will link the pages together.

heading tags for headings only not for making Text Large or Bold.

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