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Ads and Blog Speed
Ads and Blog Speed
Mariah Osborn avatar
Written by Mariah Osborn
Updated over a week ago

As a blogger, you want to provide your audience with a seamless experience. You want them to be able to quickly access your content and navigate your website without any frustrations. With the rise of ad blockers, this goal has become increasingly challenging. However, one question that often comes up is whether or not ads slow down your blog.

In short, the answer is yes and no. There are various factors that come into play, and it can be difficult to make a definitive statement. However, there are a few things you can do to help ensure that your blog's speed is not impacted by ads.

Ads can slow down your blog if:

  • They are not optimized for the web: Ads that are not optimized for the web can take longer to load, which can result in a slower user experience. Make sure that the ads you include on your blog are optimized for the web by using optimized images and other optimization techniques.

  • They are too large: Large ads can slow down your blog because they require more data to be downloaded, which takes longer. Make sure that the ads you include on your blog are not too large and that they are optimized for the web.

  • They are too many: Including too many ads on your blog can slow it down because they require more data to be downloaded. It's important to strike a balance between monetizing your blog and providing a good user experience.

However, ads can also speed up your blog if:

  • They are hosted by a third-party ad network: By hosting your ads on a third-party ad network, you can offload some of the burdens of serving ads from your own server, which can result in a faster user experience.

  • They are optimized for the web: Optimizing your ads for the web can help ensure that they load quickly and do not slow down your blog.

  • They are well-designed: Well-designed ads can also speed up your blog because they are optimized for the web and are not too large.

We use BoardingPack to optimize your blog's ads. BoardingPack ads do not slow down your blog since we have taken measures to ensure this plugin follows the speed-up protocols listed above.

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