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Reporting bad ads on your blog
Reporting bad ads on your blog

Ads on your blog that you don't like.

Randy Petersen avatar
Written by Randy Petersen
Updated over a week ago

Bad ads on your blog.

Given the nature of programatic advertising, there can occasionally be an advertiser that is published by one of our ad partners which doesn't reflect the best interests and image and quality of your blog—we're sorry to ever see that happen. Fact is, it can happen despite the filters we have in place. Keeping out any 'bad actor' ads is a high priority for us. In addition to our default ad filters / blocks, we are able to add specific filters / blocks for brands, websites and technologies (audio videos, etc.)  that you'd rather not see displayed on your blog.

If you didn't like the advertiser or ad content: Please try to grab the URL of the ad when you see it. You can usually mouse over the ad and a URL will pop up over it. Copy that ad's URL and send it to, and Jerry will work in getting a filter / block with that ad partner.

If the ad was auto-playing audio: We are not a fan of audio ads and we have them blocked across our network. If you get an ad like this, it means an advertiser is getting around the filters and serving them "illegally." Report it any way and we'll get "angry" for you.

We'll need to track down the advertiser who is serving these ads and get them blocked from your blog. It can be tricky to grab the code for these types of ads but try your best and we'll work to block them from not only your blog but the rest of the BoardingArea Network as well.

If you were logged into your blog when you saw the ad: Being logged into your blog can at times prevents our  filters from working correctly, meaning there's a good chance you might see ads that we've previously blocked that your readers are not seeing. To get the best idea of the types of ads the readers of your blog might see, try logging out of your blog and clearing your cookies before loading it again. If you still see something you don’t like, follow the steps above to let us know.

Why am I still seeing an ad you've already blocked for me? Unfortunately, ad blocking still isn’t 100% effective across the ad industry since it relies heavily on programatic technologies and accurately labeled advertisers and ads. Occasionally, when an advertiser mislabels an ad, something that should be blocked may slip through the filter / block we put in place for you. Another issue is that our ad filters / blocks only work for the particular URL we submitted, not for the creative of the ad. If many advertisers are using the same creative, it's possible the 'same' ad could come through on your blog despite the block we've put in place. If that happens on your blog, please grab the URL of that ad and send it over to the BA help desk.

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